Ski gear is just ski gear, right? It’s designed to be worn anywhere that you can slide around on snow. And while that’s mostly true, there’s actually a huge range of climates where we ski, each with their own set of weather patterns and temperatures that dictate what sort of ski or snowboard clothing will keep us warm and dry …
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The Health Benefits Of Hiking
Contrary to popular belief, hiking is not just about basking in the great outdoors with your friends and family. This activity should be part of your daily routine because it can actually provide countless health benefits. When done regularly, hiking can become your ticket to improving and maintaining your overall wellness. If you have friends or family who usually hike …
Read More »The Magic of Cascadia on Horseback
Experiencing the great outdoors on horseback is an incomparable experience. The feeling of symbiosis with a powerful animal adds to the sense of being one with nature. Challenging your physical endurance is enhanced by developing a bond with your steed. Conquering steep mountain trails requires quite different skills than racing, as speed offers a different kind of adrenaline. If the …
Read More »Tips to Take Your Dog Paddling
Have you ever considered taking Fido along for a paddle? In many cases, man’s furry best friend is a great companion on the water as well as dry land. Fun? Quite likely. Simple to get started? Not so much. Some preparation and training are required. It’s not going to be as easy as choosing the best casino from Pennsylvania online …
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