Tag Archives: Backcountry Horsemen of Washington

On Horses, Humans, and the Trail Ahead

My horse, Joey, and I were nearing the top of a ridge, glad that the last 15 miles back to the trailhead were downhill. The area had changed since our previous trip many years ago. Although fires had devastated the forest, in its aftermath it had left vast vistas and fields of wildflowers. As we approached the ridgetop, mountain peaks …

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Backcountry Horsemen: Unsung Trail Heroes

At times, it’s good to take stock of who’s in your corner. Who’s willing to go to bat for you. And get dirty. These are friends one should keep. Now a friend that’ll brush out miles of your favorite hiking trail, on their own dime, and carry your tools for you? Now you’re talking our love language. If you explore …

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The Magic of Cascadia on Horseback

Experiencing the great outdoors on horseback is an incomparable experience. The feeling of symbiosis with a powerful animal adds to the sense of being one with nature. Challenging your physical endurance is enhanced by developing a bond with your steed. Conquering steep mountain trails requires quite different skills than racing, as speed offers a different kind of adrenaline. If the …

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