Tag Archives: san juan island

The Foxes of San Juan Island

Visitors to San Juan Island expect idyllic beaches, pastoral landscapes dotted with picturesque farms and lodges, forests of kaleidoscopic green. What visitors might not expect is the foxes. The red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) of San Juan Island are a classic example of how tenuous and complex the relationships between humans and wildlife can be. Wildlife managers are trying to balance …

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Springtime on the Salish Sea: Paddling the San Juan Islands

The flat two-mile crossing was anything but notorious. I was almost disappointed. We’d dragged our kayaks onto the ferry in Anacortes at oh-dark-hundred, disembarked at the Orcas Island terminal and waited for our transportation, loaded boats and gear into a van that took us across the island through Eastsound, unloaded our boats and gear at Terrill Beach, and then began …

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