by Dennis Walton
The scenic beauty of the Pacific Northwest enthralls me. This splendor is what brought me here to live. The colors and patterns of the landscapes give even the most casual photographer the opportunity to take memorable landscape photographs. Recently I have become enamored with a more classic view of the mountains – black and white images. Using modern digital technology, I have been enjoying converting my digital color images into monochrome, emulating the shimmering tones of Kodak’s wonderful black and white films of a bygone era . I hope you enjoy the nostalgia.
Dennis Walton is best known for his global travel photography. For Dennis the challenge is to capture an instant in time with an image that shows the essence of a person, place or scene. His work is represented by Lonely Planet Images and Getty Images and has been featured in various international print venues as well as on the media with BBC Travel in the UK. When he’s not exploring the world with his camera, he makes his home beside Lake Whatcom. Visit his website at: